Making Invisible Ink
Making Invisible Prints For our WOW activity, we made invisible ink hand and footprints. We used warm water and baking soda. We asked the babies if they felt how warm the water was. We asked the babies if the warm water felt nice in between there toes. The baking soda left a weird texture on […]
Learning Different Textures
Learning Different Textures In this WOW activity we did 2 activities. The first activity we made paper blocks. Ms Dez and Ms Mo made paper blocks with paper lunch bags and shredded paper to make the bags stiffer. The babies used Cognitive Development, by using cause and effect the babies realized they could build up […]
Extraterrestrial Activities
Extraterrestrial Activities This week, the older babies have been dealing with extraterrestrial activity within the classroom! We took a ride through the galaxy and practiced recognizing our letters and then painting them with a sponge for both sensory and motor skill development! Our mothership landed yesterday and the baby ships came in today! They […]
Exploring Five Senses
Exploring Five Senses The Older Babies classroom focused on our 5 senses Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Sound with this fun Fruit Salad Yummy Yummy Party We had a fruit salad by the beach day and it was awesome ! It was so colorful and the best part is the beach was Safe to eat […]
Recognizing Feelings And Emotions
Recognizing Feelings And Emotions The kiddos are recognizing their feelings and emotions on our chart board in class. This has been a real hit as the little ones use fine motor skills standing, reaching, pointing, and just over all expressing them selves on how they feel. This activity has been added to our daily routine […]
Milking Cows At Happy Bunnies
Milking Cows At Happy Bunnies Our wow moment was “milking a cow”. This week’s activity was farm animals. We talked about the environment the farm animals live in and what are the things we do and one of them was milking a cow so we decided to interpret that into our activity of the week. […]
Practicing Fine Motor Skills
Practicing Fine Motor Skills Previous image Next image For our WOW activity, we practiced our fine motor skills. Ms. Mo assisted us with holding a paint brush with our hands and we painted ants on a plate. We explored the cold texture of the paint and when we were finished we completed our hygiene by […]
Building a Birdhouse
Building a Birdhouse Previous image Next image Arts & Crafts| Build a Birdhouse Draw a plan for a birdhouse. Use pre made bird house pieces and encourage children to stick them together. Have the children choose their paint colors and stickers, encourage children to use various colors when painting their birdhouses. Once completed, discuss the […]
Ocean Sensory Bin
Ocean Sensory Bin Previous image Next image We had such a busy week in the baby room last week exploring 2 new textures. Last week we made an Ocean sensory bin were we explored water. Ms. Mo made the water blue and added ocean animals. We got to splash and use our pincers to pick […]
Seashell Sensory Bin
Seashell Sensory Bin Previous image Next image For our activity today, we created a seashell sensory bin. We crushed up graham crackers as the sand, and placed seashells in the bin along with sifters, a small shovel and a scooper. The children were encouraged to dig up the seashells.