Ocean Sensory Bin

We had such a busy week in the baby room last week exploring 2 new textures. Last week we made an Ocean sensory bin were we explored water. Ms. Mo made the water blue and added ocean animals. We got to splash and use our pincers to pick up ocean animals. (Using our milestone for the next 2 weeks) Our second activity we got to explore a seashell bin. Our babies got to use there pincers to pick up seashells in the “sand”. Ms. Mo made sand out of crushed graham crackers and assisted our babies with grabbing at the seashells. The activities were so fun and we also encouraged our parents to help out as well. Ms Mo gave our babies homework to complete at home which was during feedings encourage your baby to use pincers to feed. We love when our parents help our babies reach milestones.

Picture of Miss Desiree G.

Miss Desiree G.

Teacher (Younger Babies)

Day Care Center Austin, TX