How Much Is Daycare? A Price Guide

Juggling little tykes as well as a full-time job is no easy feat. After all, being a mom is a job in and of itself!

That’s why sending your kids to daycare can be a saving grace. It gives you peace of mind knowing your children are well taken care of while you get your work done.

However, one question that often crosses parents’ minds is how much daycare is going to cost. If you’re interested in learning more about how much to expect to pay for daycare, great! Let’s dive into the average daycare costs.

How Much is Daycare: Average Fees

While the average cost of daycare in the US is roughly $991 per month for babies and $847 per month for toddlers, the cost of sending your kids to daycare will vary depending on where you are located.

Whether you live in the city or the suburbs, the cost of living in your area and daycare demand in your locality will all affect the cost. Your child’s age and schedule can also affect the cost of your childcare program.

In most states, if you’re sending a younger child to daycare, you’re going to need to pay more. That’s because older children don’t need as much one-on-one or hands-on care as a younger child does.

On top of that, younger children require more teachers in the room to adhere to state and federal guidelines. This requires daycares to charge more to cover the additional costs caused by teachers.

Another factor that can influence the cost of daycare is whether your daycare center includes field trips or other enrichment activities. Some centers will incorporate these added fees into their daycare costs, while others will charge extra.

Additional Daycare Fees and Costs

It’s important to keep in mind that your daycare costs won’t just be the school tuition. It will also include extra costs or may have additional fees that you may need to pay for.

One instance of additional fees is food and snacks. Some daycares include these in the cost of their program, while others ask parents to either pay for provided meals or pack a lunch.

Another additional fee that you may come across in daycare centers includes field trips or extracurricular activity fees. You can often enroll your child in dance, karate, or other enriching activities as part of the program, as long as you are willing to pay a little extra.

Supply fees and at-home internet services are also common features of daycare centers that require parents to pay a little extra money. Be sure to check with your centers if these features are included or not.

Final Thoughts on Daycare Costs

Daycare costs can be pretty complex and come with plenty of add-ons and extra fees. As long as you’re prepared for what might cost extra and what won’t, you’ll be able to choose a great daycare program easily.

If you’re looking for an Austin daycare center that you can count on, look no further than Happy Bunnies. Give us a call, and let’s get your child enrolled!



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